On Watch Sailing Online Reservations


Concierge or Booking Agent?


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Tuesday, April 1Wednesday, April 2Thursday, April 3Friday, April 4Saturday, April 5
Sunday, April 6Monday, April 7Tuesday, April 8Wednesday, April 9Thursday, April10Friday, April11Saturday, April12
Sunday, April13Monday, April14Tuesday, April15Wednesday, April16Thursday, April17Friday, April18Saturday, April19
Sunday, April20Monday, April21Tuesday, April22Wednesday, April23Thursday, April24Friday, April25Saturday, April26
Sunday, April27Monday, April28Tuesday, April29Wednesday, April30

Reservation / Cancellation Policy

96 Hours (4 Days)
You may cancel or reschedule at any time until 96 hours from the time and date of your reservation. Inside the 96 hour time frame, we will make every effort to fill your reserved spot - if this happens you will be refunded for the amount paid by the new reservation.

On Watch LLC reserves the right to cancel a reservation at any time. Should On Watch cancel your booking due to weather or for other reasons, the refund will typically be returned to your credit card within 7 business days and you will be contacted via the contact information you have provided. Never assume that a trip is not going without contacting On Watch.

Policy Notices

No hard alcohol
Beer, wine and champagne are welcome.
Bring snacks that are not likely to blow away, cheese puffs, for example.
By law, children younger than 13 years of age wear a life jacket (we can provide). No exceptions. 
We have filtered water available aboard.

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By using this website or making a reservation with us, you agree to our privacy policy.