On Watch Sailing Online Reservations

Reservation Summary

About This Event

You are booking a Private 2 Hour Trip and may bring up to a total of 6 Guests, including children. 

See our FAQ Page for more information.

What to expect
While every trip is unique and can be affected by time of year and weather systems, we often see typical conditions that vary by the time of day. Both of our boat's are designed to sail the world's oceans and will provide a safe and fun experience. It is typical to see Newport Harbor and get out onto Narragansett Bay. You may also see such landmarks as Hammersmith Farm, Castle Hill, Clingstone and up to 5 lighthouses.

Time of Day
This trip is often a more sedate experience as the breeze is often light in these hours. It is not unusual to turn on the motor for a bit so you can see the sights. You are encouraged to bring a light brunch.

Some of our most popular sails, there tends to be a stronger breeze in the afternoons. This is a chance to see the sights and experience the world-class sailing that is Newport. We can dial the experience up and really get the boat going, or cruise along at a more sedate pace. It's up to you!

The best way to end the day and start your evening is by watching the sun dip below Jamestown. This trip often starts with great sailing and will often transition into to more relaxed mode as Newport's famous sea breeze drops off with the ending of the day. Bring your camera, some of our best photos have come from this sail.

NOTE: The sunset sail may be slightly longer or shorter than 2 hours due to sunset times